Pingus   Pingus

2005 Pingus

By Pingus

2005 Pingus by Pingus, Ribera del Duero, Rest of the World

The 2005 vintage of Pingus from Pingus delineates a triumph for Spanish wines. With an exceptional yield from Ribera del Duero comes a masterpiece that infectious connoisseurs aren't likely to forget. Luring depth, power, and complexity- the 2005 Pingus emerges as a tapestry of subtleties in aroma, flavour and structure.


An investment gem carved by Climate Intensity

Reigning from a benevolent hot and dry year that ensured ripeness and concentration, the 2005 growing season unfolded into a gem of a vintage. A habitual low-yielding plot, the relentless rays of the sun worked their magic over what transmuted into sizable Tempranillo bunches- marking the creation of an investment-grade stunner.

With sunlight stencilling itself onto each cluster produced, the resulting wine dances with an intensity and purity rarely witnessed but often coveted—a true showcase of what a remarkable terroir can yield under favourable climatic conditions.


Laying tribute to the genre of finesse

From its stunning boysenberry hue blooms an array of intricate flavours -waves of dark fruit laced with veins of tempered spice weave into interplays of blackcurrant, liquorice, tobacco, and blooming violet. With each sip, one perceives a forward thrust of roasted plum enriched by an undercurrent of vanilla coaxed out by oak aging.

A fine-grained tannin structure supports these robust flavours ushering in a tremendously long finish that fervently indexes itself into the memory like verses from an idyllic chapter.


The inimitable 2005 Pingus- a perfect partner in investment

The 2005 Pingus stands a definitive testament to the wine investment world; a testament of nature's bounty shaped prudently by human hands. As an unparalleled marvel, this vintage introduces itself as an enticing proposal for the sophisticated investor. For those in pursuit of diversification, it is a revisitable treat draped in the promise of escalating returns.

Indeed, the 2005 Pingus by Pingus has etched an indelible mark on the wine panorama. Punctuating a commitment to quality and terroir expression from Ribera del Duero, it stands a beacon - both a joy to drink and a fetching delight added to any fine wine investor's portfolio.

Market price (USD)



Highest score


POP score


Vintage performance