Bollinger   Bollinger RD

1990 Bollinger R.D.

By Bollinger

1990 Bollinger R.D. from Bollinger

The 1990 Bollinger R.D. by Bollinger has long held the prestige and respect of those learned in the world of fine wines, and with good reason. As any astute connoisseur will attest, there is an inherently beguiling charm about this vintage that speaks directly to an innate sense of appreciation that comes only when one encounters a splendid achievement in viticulture.


Distinctive allure, an investment indeed

Several factors combine to lend the 1990 Bollinger R.D. its unique character. It was borne from a remarkable year marked by ideal conditions in the vineyards, contributing an unmistakable depth and complexity of flavour not often witnessed even among other illustrious vintages of Bollinger. This beautifully crafted champagne exudes a certain elegant authority, one that is indicative not merely of sound craftsmanship, but also of respect for the age-old traditions that underpin the process.

An initial nosing offers a tantalisingly ripe bouquet showcasing nuances of lemon tart, brioche, peach cobbler, nectarine and hazelnut - an captivating introduction to what lies ahead. Upon tasting, there's a distinct revelation as complex layers unfurl themselves gradually, hinting at citrus marmalade, pressed white flowers, sweet spices and warm croissant underlain by a delicate minerality.


Vintage excellence: The redemption of nature's craftsmanship

The climatic conditions that prevailed during the making of this vintage turned out to be rather distinctive - the perfect blend of sunshine and rain in Champagne was instrumental in giving life to this admirable champagne. And enduring testament to this is found in each glass poured with 1990 Bollinger R.D.

This is a champagne of unwavering quality, where every sip provides confirmation of its depth and refinement. It serves as both tribute to its exceptional vintage and testament to the redoubtable skill and acuity embodied by Bollinger's wine-making prowess.

As a distinctive representation of one of the most celebrated houses in Champagne, an investment in 1990 Bollinger R.D. represents not only astute financial judgement, but discerning pleasure alike. A paragon amongst vintages, it stands as an invaluable addition to any well-curated wine portfolio.

Market price (HKD)



Highest score


POP score


Vintage performance