Domaine Leroy   Latricieres Chambertin

2000 Latricieres Chambertin

By Domaine Leroy

2000 Latricières-Chambertin from Domaine Leroy, Burgundy, France

The Millennium vintage of Burgundy has commanded the attention of fine wine connoisseurs the world over. The 2000 Latricières-Chambertin from Domaine Leroy emerges from this year as a paragon of finesse and a testament to the deft craftsmanship of winemaker Lalou Bize-Leroy.


An Exemplary Year Captured in a Bottle

Weather patterns of 2000, having granted Burgundy an exceptional balance of warmth and rain, paved the way for a harvest that would yield wines of pronounced elegance and longevity. The Latricières-Chambertin cuvée, nestled in one of the most prestigious climats, benefitted immensely from these conditions, showcasing a vintage-specific tapestry woven with ripe fruit profiles and an ethereal earthiness.


A Vintage Speaking Volumes

The tasting notes for the 2000 Latricières-Chambertin articulate a story of intricate layers. A palate graced with luscious cherry and blackcurrant undertones is amplified by whispers of truffle and sous-bois. The minerality specific to this terroir offers an eloquent contrast to the plushness of its fruit – a hallmark quality that seasoned investors may find particularly captivating in this Millennium offering.

Owing much to the climatic generosity of 2000, this poignant Burgundy presents tannins that have softened into sheer silkiness over two decades, recommending it now at a peak time for both drinking and investment potential.


A Compounded Interest in Elegance

When one considers the attributes that mark an excellent investment grade wine – pedigree, rarity, ageability – the 2000 Latricières-Chambertin from Domaine Leroy ticks all these boxes with aplomb. It stands out distinctly within its lineage, exuding a composed complexity that remains engagingly accessible.

The seasoned palate will discover in this vintage an orchestration of mature flavours that continues to unfold with each passing year. This is undoubtedly one for collectors to secure with confidence, as its story matures gracefully alongside one's investment portfolio.

Market price (GBP)



Highest score


POP score


Vintage performance