Domaine Leroy   Latricieres Chambertin

2013 Latricieres Chambertin

By Domaine Leroy

2013 Latricieres Chambertin from Domaine Leroy, Burgundy, France

In the ever-evolving tapestry of fine Burgundy wines, the 2013 Latricieres Chambertin from Domaine Leroy holds a singular place. The 2013 vintage in Burgundy was not without its challenges; a late and wet spring led to a cooler than average summer. However, it is precisely in such testing years that the mastery of Domaine Leroy's biodynamic approach transforms adversity into elegance and complexity.


A Palette of Precision: A Testament to Terroir

The tumultuous 2013 growing season produced wines with notable structure and acidity - and the Latricieres Chambertin from Domaine Leroy is no exception. Imbued with deft touches born of a cooler season, the wine exhibits poise and retention of red fruit characteristics that might have been eclipsed in a warmer vintage.

On the nose, we find an intricate dance between ripe cherries, sous-bois, and the merest whisper of spice – an olfactory sonnet penned with an expert hand. Tasting reveals a disciplined tableau; vivid red currents clash with a backbone of minerality, firmly rooted in the iron-rich soil that this appellation is renowned for.


A Vintage for Investors: Patience Rewards

For investors, the 2013 Latricieres Chambertin from Domaine Leroy represents an intriguing prospect. In a year like 2013, lesser hands might fumble; yet here we see the prowess of Leroy's winemaking philosophy shine through. Cellar patience will be met with ample reward as this wine unfurls its narrative over time.

This particular offering beckons to those who appreciate the quiet triumphs that emerge from Burgundy’s more challenging years - a bottle emblematic of resilience and quiet confidence that elevates one’s portfolio as much as it does the palate.

To steward such a bottle is to possess not just a slice of Burgundian art but also an illustration of how skilled viticulture can prevail over capricious climes. It is these vintages that often capture the hearts of collectors, for they hold within them the storied history of their birthright – a notion to which the 2013 Latricieres Chambertin from Domaine Leroy can confidently attest.

Market price (GBP)



Highest score


POP score


Scores and tasting notes


The 2013 Latricieres-Chambertin Grand Cru has a more expressive bouquet vis-a-vis when I tasted the 2012 last year. Here, one finds touches of maraschino cherries, wild strawberry and undergrowth all beautifully defined, vivacious and ebullient. The palate is supremely focused and symmetrical, the tannin lacy and the texture so silky you might well mistake it for, say, a Romanee Saint Vivant. This is one of the finest Latricieres-Chambertins that I have tasted from Leroy.

Neal Martin - The Wine Advocate, 29 December 2014

Vintage performance