Domaine Meo Camuzet   Richebourg

2003 Richebourg

By Domaine Meo-Camuzet

2003 Richebourg from Domaine Meo-Camuzet, Burgundy

The esteemed 2003 Richebourg from Domaine Meo-Camuzet offers a symphony of complexities that defy the ordinary perceptions of this storied region. It is a vintage that elicits admiration, particularly given the torrid summer that enveloped Burgundy, imparting unique challenges alongside novel characteristics to this lauded wine.


An Illustrious Vintage in Tough Conditions

2003 was harrowingly hot and drought-stricken across Europe, resulting in a Burgundian vintage that demanded acute resilience from its vines. The heatwave's influence on the grapes can be traced in the dense, powerful expressions found within the 2003 Richebourg from Domaine Meo-Camuzet. This vintage stands as a testament to the valor of both vineyard and vintner, producing a wine with pronounced intensity and a rich tapestry of flavours unique to its year.


A Fine Dance of Elegance and Potency

The intensity of summer heat has imbued this vintage with an extraordinary robustness. The power is there – unrestrained yet tampered by the mastery of Meo-Camuzet’s winemaking. Surrender to the luscious dark fruits, muddled with spices and an earthy undercurrent that purrs of its terroir. With tannins now supple through age, it permits a silken, sophisticated allure, further enhanced by an enduring finish, redolent with nuanced subtleties gleaned from the unusually arduous growing season.

For fine wine investors looking for singular investments that narrate the story of their year, the 2003 Richebourg from Domaine Meo-Camuzet presents a compelling chapter. It encapsulates the challenge of its climate, while preserving the dignity and distinction one expects from such an illustrious domaine and venerated appellation.


Summarising an Extraordinary Offering

The 2003 Richebourg is more than a testament to viticulture-withstanding adversity; it's an embodiment of domain-driven triumph over natural extremes. A piece de resistance for collectors, the 2003 serves not just as a fine wine but as an artefact of history, capturing an extraordinary moment in time within each cherished bottle.

Market price (GBP)



Highest score


POP score


Scores and tasting notes


Loads of spices, red fruits, and blackberries are found in the nose of the 2003 Richebourg. Massive, rich, and concentrated, this velvety-textured wine displays fresh red berries, raspberries, and candied cherries in its prolonged, sweet tannin-laced personality. An impressively deep and broad offering, it is a candidate for drinking between 2009 and 2020. Represented by Domaines et Saveurs Collection, Jeanne-Marie de Champs, French Fax: 011-011-33-3-80-22-58-25; also imported by Importer: Kermit Lynch Wine Merchant, Berkeley, CA; tel. (510) 524-1524

Pierre Rovani - The Wine Advocate, 28 August 2005

Vintage performance