CWI 2023 Burgundy Investment Report 2021 Vintage Cover Final

Burgundy En Primeur Report - 2021 Vintage

Burgundy remains the king of the fine wine investment universe. The region’s wines have returned 97.7% since the beginning of 2018, including a 31.31% jump in 2022, according to Cult Wines Global Index.

The 2021 vintage forms the latest opportunity to access the rewards of Burgundy. In our Burgundy 2021 En Primeur Report, we detail our view of the market and highlight our approach and some of our portfolio managers’ investment picks.

In this report you will find:


  1. Burgundy’s performance track record and top performing wines

  2. Highlights of Cult Wine Investment’s consistent outperformance

  3. Summary of the 2021 Burgundy vintage

  4. Our outlook and approach to the 2021 En Primeur campaign

  5. Top investment recommendations from our Portfolio Managers


Burgundy remains the pinnacle of the global fine wine universe with top terroirs that spur unrivalled passion among wine lovers and collectors around the world.

This passion can translate into a lucrative investment, and the region’s wines continue to post positive returns that dwarf the rest of the fine wine market.[1]

The 2021 vintage forms the latest opportunity to access Burgundy’s potential. However, low production volumes mean the best new wines will be scarce, and buyers should also keep an eye out for opportunities across back vintages. In our Burgundy 2021 En Primeur Report, we detail our view of the market and highlight our approach and some of our portfolio managers’ investment picks.


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For those seeking a comprehensive overview of Burgundy's best vintages and comparisons between legendary years, we recommend visiting Cult's Guide to The Best Burgundy Vintage Years.



[1] Cult Wines Burgundy Index +31.31% annual return in 2022. Cult Wines Indices are constructed using Wine-Searcher pricing data. Cult Wines applies objective value and liquidity filters across each region to ensure the wines contained in the Indices are representative of the fine wine market. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.


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